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Welcome to Report a Player - the place to report players who are doing misconduct on the Divine Isles Minecraft server or Discord. We thank you for your efforts on reporting a player and making Divine Isles a much safer and enjoyable place.
Please note that by reporting a player you are potentially restricting a players access to our Minecraft server or Discord. Any joke reports will NOT be taken lightly and will cause you to be appropriately punished. To successfully report, you MUST provide evidence of the user in misconduct - either in chat or gameplay. We cannot fully punish a player if we don't have proper evidence.
Decisions based on these reports will be reliant on evidence provided, staff discretion and previous punishment history. Players may be punished if we deem the player as too much of a risk. This is dependent on if the player has negative track record with breaking our rules.
Within this form you will be asked to provide your Minecraft and Discord username, if these are invalid in our systems the report will be considered invalid. You must provide your information along with the offender's information also. Your details will be kept fully anonymous and will only be known to the Divine Isles Team. Thank you.